Sunday 10 June 2012

Star Wars 1313 Gameplay Trailers from E3

Okay, time for my first post. A first post is always going to be somewhat problematic, even just in deciding what to write about; "anything geeky" is a pretty wide mandate, after all. What medium do I go for? Comic-books? Games? Films? And then what franchise? I'm mildly obsessed with everything from Final Fantasy VII to Game of Thrones, after all...

Star Wars. I'm always safe with Star Wars.

So back at the start of June my brother let me know about this; given my love of all things Star Wars - and particularly my love of all things Star Wars bounty hunters - it seemed like something I should know about. Now, thanks to E3, we finally have a bit of solid information to go on.

Turns out it's a Star Wars version of Uncharted. Let me make that extra clear, for those of you at the back not paying attention. They have mixed this;

With this;

It's early days, but this is potentially more win than my body has room for. For more information, head on over to IGN. Need further reason to geek out completely? CT-1313 was an alias used by Boba Fett himself in the novel Boba Fett: Maze of Deception, according to Wookieepedia. Read into that what you will...

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